
Friday, September 20, 2019

Today is National Concussion Awareness Day!

National Concussion Day was founded in 2016 by Brooke Mills, who you may remember from her visit to Section 36 a year or so ago.

The goal of National Concussion Awareness day is right there in the name, to raise awareness about this disease. To create a national dialogue of people sharing their stories and experiences, to show support for those suffering, and to raise money for brain injury related charities.

It's an amazing way that Brooke, through her platform "Lessen the Impact", has used her personal concussion experiences and tried to help out other who may be suffering in silence from the same issues.

So today, if you've had a concussion, I suggest you share your story! Let others know they're not alone. Whether it's talking to a friend, sharing it with the social media world, or even leaving a comment on this post. (If you share it on social media, be sure to use the #nationalconcussionawarenessday hashtag.) Get your story out there so that others can learn from it.

You should also visit the National Concussion Awareness Day website. There you can also share your story, and they have lots of other tools for you, and ways you can help out.

Also, be sure to visit Lessen The Impact for everyday resources for handling concussions.

Help Brooke get the word out!

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